overflow bit

( n.)

   1.  [techspeak]  A {flag} on some processors indicating an attempt to
   calculate a result too large for a register to hold.

   2.  More  generally,  an  indication of any kind of capacity overload
   condition.  "Well, the Ada description was {baroque} all right, but I
   could  hack  it  OK until they got to the exception handling ... that
   set my overflow bit."

   3.  The  hypothetical bit that will be set if a hacker doesn't get to
   make a trip to the Room of Porcelain Fixtures: "I'd better process an
   internal interrupt before the overflow bit gets set."


   Crunchly and the {overflow bit}.

   (The  next cartoon in the Crunchly saga is 73-07-29. The previous one
   is 73-06-04.)

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {lost in the underflow}{overflow bit}]