
( adj.)

   [common]  Feature-encrusted;  complex;  gaudy;  verging on excessive.
   Said  of  hardware  or  (esp.) software designs, this has many of the
   connotations  of  {elephantine}  or {monstrosity} but is less extreme
   and  not pejorative in itself. In the absence of other, more negative
   descriptions this term suggests that the software is trembling on the
   edge  of  bad  taste but has not quite tipped over into it. "Metafont
   even  has  features  to introduce random variations to its letterform
   output. Now that is baroque!" See also {rococo}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {elephantine}{EMACS}{heavyweight}{If you want X, you know where to find it.}{monstrosity}{OS/2}{overflow bit}{precedence lossage}{rococo}]