
( n.)

   [common]    Freely-redistributable   software,   often   written   by
   enthusiasts and distributed by users' groups, or via electronic mail,
   local  bulletin  boards,  {Usenet}, or other electronic media. As the
   culture  of the Internet has displaced the older BBS world, this term
   has  lost  ground  to  both {open source} and {free software}; it has
   increasingly  tended  to  be  restricted  to  software distributed in
   binary  rather  than  source-code  form.  At one time, freeware was a
   trademark  of  Andrew Fluegelman, the author of the well-known MS-DOS
   comm  program  PC-TALK  III.  It wasn't enforced after his mysterious
   disappearance and presumed death in 1984. See {shareware}, {FRS}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {annoyware}{crudware}{dogwash}{FRS}{guiltware}{payware}{postcardware}{shareware}{-ware}]