
( n.,adj.)

   In  1997, after meditating on the success of {Linux} for three years,
   the  Jargon File's own editor ESR wrote an analytical paper on hacker
   culture  and  development models titled The Cathedral and the Bazaar.
   The  main  argument  of  the paper was that {Brooks's Law} is not the
   whole  story;  given  the  right  social  machinery, debugging can be
   efficiently  parallelized  across  large  numbers of programmers. The
   title  metaphor  caught  on  (see also {cathedral}), and the style of
   development  typical  in the Linux community is now often referred to
   as  the bazaar mode. Its characteristics include releasing code early
   and  often,  and  actively  seeking the largest possible pool of peer
   reviewers.  After  1998,  the  evident  success  of this way of doing
   things became one of the strongest arguments for {open source}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Brooks's Law}{cathedral}{gang bang}{Infinite-Monkey Theorem}{kernel-of-the-week club}{Linux}{Mongolian Hordes technique}{point release}]