signal-to-noise ratio

( n.)

   [from  analog electronics] Used by hackers in a generalization of its
   technical  meaning. `Signal' refers to useful information conveyed by
   some  communications  medium,  and  `noise'  to anything else on that
   medium.  Hence  a  low  ratio  implies  that  it  is not worth paying
   attention  to  the  medium in question. Figures for such metaphorical
   ratios  are  never  given. The term is most often applied to {Usenet}
   newsgroups   during  {flame  war}s.  Compare  {bandwidth}.  See  also
   {coefficient of X}, {lost in the noise}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Imminent Death Of The Net Predicted!}{S/N ratio}{TANSTAAFL}]