cosmic rays

( n.)

   Notionally,   the   cause   of   {bit   rot}.   However,  this  is  a
   semi-independent  usage  that  may  be  invoked  as a humorous way to
   {handwave}  away  any  minor {randomness} that doesn't seem worth the
   bother  of investigating. "Hey, Eric -- I just got a burst of garbage
   on  my  {tube},  where  did  that come from?" "Cosmic rays, I guess."
   Compare  {sunspots},  {phase of the moon}. The British seem to prefer
   the  usage  cosmic  showers;  alpha  particles is also heard, because
   stray  alpha  particles  passing  through  a  memory  chip  can cause
   single-bit  errors  (this  becomes increasingly more likely as memory
   sizes and densities increase).

   Factual  note:  Alpha  particles  cause  bit  rot, cosmic rays do not
   (except  occasionally  in  spaceborne  computers).  Intel  could  not
   explain random bit drops in their early chips, and one hypothesis was
   cosmic  rays. So they created the World's Largest Lead Safe, using 25
   tons of the stuff, and used two identical boards for testing. One was
   placed  in  the  safe, one outside. The hypothesis was that if cosmic
   rays  were  causing  the  bit  drops, they should see a statistically
   significant  difference  between  the  error rates on the two boards.
   They  did  not  observe  such  a  difference.  Further  investigation
   demonstrated  conclusively  that  the  bit  drops  were  due to alpha
   particle emissions from thorium (and to a much lesser degree uranium)
   in  the  encapsulation  material. Since it is impossible to eliminate
   these  radioactives  (they  are  uniformly  distributed  through  the
   earth's  crust,  with  the  statistically  insignificant exception of
   uranium  lodes)  it became obvious that one has to design memories to
   withstand these hits.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {bit rot}{Commonwealth Hackish}{line noise}{sunspots}]