
( n.)

   [common]  A  person  who  is  religiously  attached  to  a particular
   computer,  language,  operating  system,  editor,  or other tool (see
   {religious  issues}).  Usually  found  with  a  specifier; thus, Cray
   bigot,  ITS  bigot, APL bigot, VMS bigot, Berkeley bigot. Real bigots
   can  be distinguished from mere partisans or zealots by the fact that
   they  refuse to learn alternatives even when the march of time and/or
   technology  is  threatening to obsolete the favored tool. It is truly
   said  "You  can  tell  a bigot, but you can't tell him much." Compare
   {weenie}, {Amiga Persecution Complex}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {All hardware sucks, all software sucks.}{Amiga Persecution Complex}{kernel-of-the-week club}{religious issues}{weenie}]