
( /zork/, n.)

   The second of the great early experiments in computer fantasy gaming;
   see  {ADVENT}.  Originally  written on MIT-DM during 1977-1979, later
   distributed  with  BSD  Unix  (as a patched, sourceless RT-11 FORTRAN
   binary;   see  {retrocomputing})  and  commercialized  as  `The  Zork
   Trilogy'  by  {Infocom}.  The  FORTRAN source was later rewritten for
   portability  and  released  to  Usenet under the name "Dungeon". Both
   FORTRAN "Dungeon" and translated C versions are available at many FTP
   sites;    the    commercial    Zork    trilogy    is   available   at
   http://www.ifarchive.org/.  See  also {grue}. You can play Zork via a
   Java Applet.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {ADVENT}{frobnitz}{grue}{hack}{hello sailor!}{Infocom}{retrocomputing}{wumpus}{zorkmid}]