
( n.)

   1.  The  {PDP-10}  successor that was to have been built by the Super
   Foonly  project  at  the  Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
   along  with  a  new  operating system. (The name itself came from FOO
   NLI,  an  error message emitted by a PDP-10 assembler at SAIL meaning
   "FOO  is  Not a Legal Identifier". The intention was to leapfrog from
   the  old  {DEC}  timesharing  system  SAIL  was then running to a new
   generation,  bypassing  TENEX  which  at  that  time  was the ARPANET
   standard.  ARPA  funding  for  both  the  Super  Foonly  and  the new
   operating system was cut in 1974. Most of the design team went to DEC
   and contributed greatly to the design of the PDP-10 model KL10.

   2. The name of the company formed by Dave Poole, one of the principal
   Super   Foonly  designers,  and  one  of  hackerdom's  more  colorful
   personalities.  Many  people remember the parrot which sat on Poole's
   shoulder and was a regular companion.

   3.  Any  of  the machines built by Poole's company. The first was the
   F-1 (a.k.a. Super Foonly), which was the computational engine used to
   create the graphics in the movie TRON. The F-1 was the fastest PDP-10
   ever  built, but only one was ever made. The effort drained Foonly of
   its  financial  resources,  and  the  company turned towards building
   smaller,  slower,  and  much  less expensive machines. Unfortunately,
   these  ran  not  the  popular  {TOPS-20}  but  a TENEX variant called
   Foonex;  this  seriously  limited  their  market.  Also, the machines
   shipped  were  actually wire-wrapped engineering prototypes requiring
   individual attention from more than usually competent site personnel,
   and  thus  had  significant  reliability  problems. Poole's legendary
   temper and unwillingness to suffer fools gladly did not help matters.
   By  the  time  DEC's  "Jupiter  Project"  followon  to the PDP-10 was
   cancelled  in  1983,  Foonly's  proposal  to  build  another  F-1 was
   eclipsed  by  the  {Mars}, and the company never quite recovered. See
   the {Mars} entry for the continuation and moral of this story.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Mars}{PDP-10}]