
   [play   on   {war-driving};   the   first  syllable  has  since  been
   reinterpreted  as  an  acronym  for "wireless access revolution"] The
   practice  of  using chalk marks similar to hobo signs to indicate the
   nearby  presence  of  a  wireless  Internet  access  point, a boon to
   strolling  hackers  with  laptops.  The  concept was first floated in
   early  2002  and  was  instantly  seized  upon  with cries of glee by
   hackers  all  over the portions of the world urbanized enough to have
   sidewalks and access points. The process rather recalls the explosive
   spread  of  heraldry  in the medieval Europe of the 1120s. There is a
   site that explains the symbology;.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {war-driving}]