
   An  interjection  similar  to  "Yay!",  as  in: "w00t!!! I just got a
   raise!" Often used for small victories the speaker dies not expect to
   be  of  special  interest  to  anyone  else.  Some  claim  this  is a
   bastardization  of  "root",  the  highest level of access to a system
   (particularly  UNIX),  originated  by  script  kiddies as a 133tspeak
   equivalent  of  "root",  and said as an exclamation upon gaining root
   access.  Others claim it originated in the Everquest multiplayer game
   as  an  abbreviation  of  "wonderful  loot".  Still other claim it on
   originated  on IRC as the "Ewok victory cheer". Adj. w00table has the
   sense  of  "cool"  or  "nifty".  This  is  one  of the few leet-speak
   coinages to have crossed over into non-ironic use among hackers.
