
( n.)

   [from  the obvious analogy with biological viruses, via SF] A cracker
   program  that  searches  out  other  programs  and  `infects' them by
   embedding  a  copy  of  itself  in  them, so that they become {Trojan
   horse}s.  When  these  programs  are  executed, the embedded virus is
   executed too, thus propagating the `infection'. This normally happens
   invisibly  to  the user. Unlike a {worm}, a virus cannot infect other
   computers  without  assistance.  It  is propagated by vectors such as
   humans trading programs with their friends (see {SEX}). The virus may
   do  nothing  but  propagate  itself and then allow the program to run
   normally.  Usually,  however, after propagating silently for a while,
   it  starts doing things like writing cute messages on the terminal or
   playing  strange  tricks  with the display (some viruses include nice
   {display   hack}s).  Many  nasty  viruses,  written  by  particularly
   perversely minded {cracker}s, do irreversible damage, like nuking all
   the user's files.

   In  the  1990s,  viruses  became  a serious problem, especially among
   Windows users; the lack of security on these machines enables viruses
   to spread easily, even infecting the operating system (Unix machines,
   by  contrast,  are immune to such attacks). The production of special
   anti-virus   software  has  become  an  industry,  and  a  number  of
   exaggerated  media  reports  have  caused  outbreaks of near hysteria
   among users; many {luser}s tend to blame everything that doesn't work
   as  they  had  expected  on virus attacks. Accordingly, this sense of
   virus  has passed not only into techspeak but into also popular usage
   (where  it  is  often  incorrectly  used to denote a {worm} or even a
   {Trojan  horse}).  See  {phage};  compare {back door}; see also {Unix

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {live data}{malware}{phage}{replicator}{science-fiction fandom}{SEX}{Trojan horse}{Unix conspiracy}{virgin}{wabbit}{worm}]