topic drift

( n.)

   Term  used on GEnie, Usenet and other electronic fora to describe the
   tendency  of  a  {thread}  to drift away from the original subject of
   discussion  (and  thus,  from  the  Subject header of the originating
   message),  or  the  results of that tendency. The header in each post
   can  be changed to keep current with the posts, but usually isn't due
   to  forgetfulness  or  laziness.  A  single  post may often result in
   several  posts  each responding to a different point in the original.
   Some  subthreads  will  actually  be in response to some off-the-cuff
   side  comment,  possibly  degenerating into a {flame war}, or just as
   often  evolving into a separate discussion. Hence, discussions aren't
   really  so  much  threads  as  they are trees. Except that they don't
   really  have  leaves, or multiple branching roots; usually some lines
   of  discussion will just sort of die off after everyone gets tired of
   them. This could take anywhere from hours to weeks, or even longer.

   The  term  `topic  drift'  is often used in gentle reminders that the
   discussion has strayed off any useful track. "I think we started with
   a question about Niven's last book, but we've ended up discussing the
   sexual habits of the common marmoset. Now that's topic drift!"
