syntactic sugar

( n.)

   [coined  by  Peter  Landin]  Features  added  to  a language or other
   formalism  to  make  it `sweeter' for humans, but which do not affect
   the  expressiveness  of  the  formalism (compare {chrome}). Used esp.
   when  there  is  an  obvious  and  trivial translation of the `sugar'
   feature  into  other  constructs already present in the notation. C's
   a[i]  notation  is  syntactic  sugar  for  *(a + i). "Syntactic sugar
   causes cancer of the semicolon." -- Alan Perlis.

   The  variants  syntactic  saccharin  and  syntactic  syrup  are  also
   recorded.  These  denote  something  even  more  gratuitous,  in that
   syntactic sugar serves a purpose (making something more acceptable to
   humans),  but  syntactic  saccharin or syrup serve no purpose at all.
   Compare {candygrammar}, {syntactic salt}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {candygrammar}{syntactic salt}]