star out

( v.)

   [University  of York, England] To replace a user's encrypted password
   in /etc/passwd with a single asterisk. Under Unix this is not a legal
   encryption  of  any  password; hence the user is not permitted to log
   in.  In  general, accounts like adm, news, and daemon are permanently
   "starred  out";  occasionally  a  real user might have this inflicted
   upon  him/her  as  a  punishment,  e.g.  "Graham  was starred out for
   playing Omega in working hours". Also occasionally known as The Order
   Of  The  Gold  Star  in  this  context.  "Don't do that, or you'll be
   awarded the Order of the Gold Star..." Compare {disusered}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {disusered}]