
   1.   [Unix]  n.  A  Dungeons-and-Dragons-like  game  using  character
   graphics,  written  under  BSD  Unix and subsequently ported to other
   Unix  systems. The original BSD curses(3) screen-handling package was
   hacked  together  by  Ken  Arnold primarily to support games, and the
   development  of rogue(6) popularized its use; it has since become one
   of  Unix's  most  important  and  heavily used application libraries.
   Nethack,  Omega,  Larn,  Angband,  and an entire subgenre of computer
   dungeon  games  (all  known  as  `roguelikes')  all took off from the
   inspiration  provided  by  rogue(6); the popular Windows game Diablo,
   though  graphics-intensive,  has  very  similar  play logic. See also
   {nethack}, {moria}, {Angband}.

   2.  [Usenet]  adj.  An  {ISP} which permits net abuse (usually in the
   form of {spam}ming) by its customers, or which itself engages in such
   activities.  Rogue  ISPs  are  sometimes subject to {IDP}s or {UDP}s.
   Sometimes deliberately misspelled as "rouge".

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Angband}{moria}{nethack}{wizard mode}]