
( n.)

   1.  A  hairstyle  in  which long hair is held back so as to hang down
   like a pony's tail.

   2.  A descriptive term for a man having a ponytail hairstyle, or such
   character  traits  as might be associated with having a ponytail, eg:
   effeminacy, narcissism, undue concern with fashion etc.

   3.  A  general  term  used  by  hackers  for 'creatives': advertising
   copywriters,    graphic    designers,    video   compositors,   users
   characterised  by  a  preference for the Macintosh, recreational drug
   use, and better sex lives than programmers.

   4. A derogatory term for web designers and other persons peripherally
   associated  with  IT  projects,  devoid  of  programming  skills  and
   dismissed   as  being  concerned  with  visual  presentation  to  the
   exclusion of actual technical reality.
