neats vs. scruffies

( n.)

   The  label  used  to refer to one of the continuing {holy wars} in AI
   research.  This conflict tangles together two separate issues. One is
   the  relationship between human reasoning and AI; `neats' tend to try
   to  build  systems  that `reason' in some way identifiably similar to
   the  way humans report themselves as doing, while `scruffies' profess
   not  to  care  whether  an algorithm resembles human reasoning in the
   least  as  long  as it works. More importantly, neats tend to believe
   that logic is king, while scruffies favor looser, more ad-hoc methods
   driven  by  empirical  knowledge.  To  a neat, scruffy methods appear
   promiscuous,  successful  only  by  accident,  and  not productive of
   insights  about  how  intelligence actually works; to a scruffy, neat
   methods  appear  to  be  hung  up  on formalism and irrelevant to the
   hard-to-capture `common sense' of living intelligences.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {scruffies}]