
( /mis·fee´chr/, /mis´fee`chr/, n.)

   [common]  A  feature that eventually causes lossage, possibly because
   it  is  not  adequate  for a new situation that has evolved. Since it
   results  from  a  deliberate  and  properly  implemented  feature,  a
   misfeature  is  not a bug. Nor is it a simple unforeseen side effect;
   the  term implies that the feature in question was carefully planned,
   but  its  long-term  consequences  were  not accurately or adequately
   predicted  (which is quite different from not having thought ahead at
   all). A misfeature can be a particularly stubborn problem to resolve,
   because fixing it usually involves a substantial philosophical change
   to the structure of the system involved.

   Many  misfeatures (especially in user-interface design) arise because
   the  designers/implementors mistake their personal tastes for laws of
   nature.   Often   a  former  feature  becomes  a  misfeature  because
   trade-offs  were  made whose parameters subsequently change (possibly
   only in the judgment of the implementors). "Well, yeah, it is kind of
   a  misfeature  that file names are limited to six characters, but the
   original  implementors wanted to save directory space and we're stuck
   with it for now."

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {ASCII}{bug-compatible}{feature}{featurectomy}{gotcha}{Nightmare File System}{That's not a bug, that's a feature!}{workaround}]