man page

( n.)

   A  page  from the Unix Programmer's Manual, documenting one of Unix's
   many  commands,  system  calls,  library  subroutines,  device driver
   interfaces,  file  formats,  games,  macro  packages,  or maintenance
   utilities.  By extension, the term "man page" may be used to refer to
   documentation of any kind, under any system, though it is most likely
   to be confined to short on-line references.

   As  mentioned  in  Chapter 11,  Other Lexicon Conventions, there is a
   standard  syntax  for  referring  to  man  page  entries:  the phrase
   "foo(n)"  refers  to  the  page for "foo" in chapter n of the manual,
   where chapter 1 is user commands, chapter 2 is system calls, etc.

   The  man page format is beloved, or berated, for having the same sort
   of pithy utility as the rest of Unix. Man pages tend to be written as
   very  compact,  concise  descriptions  which  are  complete  but  not
   forgiving  of the lazy or careless reader. Their stylized format does
   a good job of summarizing the essentials: invocation syntax, options,
   basic  functionality.  While  such a concise reference is perfect for
   the  do-one-thing-and-do-it-well  tools which are favored by the Unix
   philosophy, it admittedly breaks down when applied to a command which
   is itself a major subsystem.
