languages of choice

( n.)

   {C}, {Perl}, {Python}, {Java} and {LISP} -- the dominant languages in
   open-source development. This list has changed over time, but slowly.
   Java bumped C++ off of it, and Python appears to be recruiting people
   who  would  otherwise  gravitate  to LISP (which used to be much more
   important  than  it is now). Smalltalk and Prolog are also popular in
   small but influential communities.

   The  {Real  Programmer}s  who loved FORTRAN and assembler have pretty
   much all retired or died since 1990. Assembler is generally no longer
   considered   interesting   or  appropriate  for  anything  but  {HLL}
   implementation, {glue}, and a few time-critical and hardware-specific
   uses  in  systems  programs.  FORTRAN  occupies  a shrinking niche in
   scientific programming.

   Most  hackers tend to frown on languages like {Pascal} and Ada, which
   don't  give  them  the  near-total  freedom  considered necessary for
   hacking   (see  {bondage-and-discipline  language}),  and  to  regard
   everything  even remotely connected with {COBOL} or other traditional
   {DP} languages as a total and unmitigated {loss}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {bondage-and-discipline language}{C}{C++}{HLL}{LISP}{macro}{Perl}]