
( adj.)

   [from  mathematical  techspeak]  Acting as if used only once, even if
   used  multiple  times.  This  term  is often used with respect to {C}
   header files, which contain common definitions and declarations to be
   included  by  several source files. If a header file is ever included
   twice  during  the  same  compilation (perhaps due to nested #include
   files),  compilation  errors  can  result  unless the header file has
   protected  itself  against  multiple  inclusion;  a  header  file  so
   protected  is  said  to  be  idempotent. The term can also be used to
   describe  an  initialization  subroutine  that is arranged to perform
   some  critical  action  exactly  once,  even if the routine is called
   several times.
