
( adj.)

   [from  `hung  up'; common] Equivalent to {wedged}, but more common at
   Unix/C  sites.  Not  generally used of people. Syn. with {locked up},
   {wedged};   compare  {hosed}.  See  also  {hang}.  A  hung  state  is
   distinguished  from  {crash}ed or {down}, where the program or system
   is also unusable but because it is not running rather than because it
   is  waiting for something. However, the recovery from both situations
   is often the same. It is also distinguished from the similar but more
   drastic  state  {wedged}  --  hung software can be woken up with easy
   things  like  interrupt  keys, but wedged will need a kill -9 or even

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {brick}{catatonic}{hang}{locked up}{power cycle}{wedged}]