
   [from  SF  fandom]  A method of `marking' common words, i.e., calling
   attention  to  the  fact  that  they are being used in a nonstandard,
   ironic, or humorous way. Originated in the fannish catchphrase "Bheer
   is  the  One  True Ghod!" from decades ago. H-infix marking of `Ghod'
   and  other words spread into the 1960s counterculture via underground
   comix,  and  into  early  hackerdom either from the counterculture or
   from  SF  fandom  (the  three  overlapped  heavily at the time). More
   recently,  the  h  infix  has become an expected feature of benchmark
   names  (Dhrystone,  Rhealstone, etc.); this is probably patterning on
   the  original  Whetstone (the name of a laboratory) but influenced by
   the fannish/counterculture h infix.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {benchmark}{science-fiction fandom}]