fuck me harder

( excl.)

   Sometimes  uttered  in  response  to  egregious  misbehavior, esp. in
   software, and esp. of misbehaviors which seem unfairly persistent (as
   though  designed  in  by the imp of the perverse). Often theatrically
   elaborated:  "Aiighhh!  Fuck  me  with  a  piledriver  and 16 feet of
   curare-tipped  wrought-iron  fence  and no lubricants!" The phrase is
   sometimes heard abbreviated FMH in polite company.

   [This  entry  is  an  extreme example of the hackish habit of coining
   elaborate  and  evocative  terms  for  lossage.  Here  we see a quite
   self-conscious  parody  of  mainstream  expletives  that has become a
   running gag in part of the hacker culture; it illustrates the hackish
   tendency to turn any situation, even one of extreme frustration, into
   an  intellectual  game  (the point being, in this case, to creatively
   produce  a  long-winded  description  of the most anatomically absurd
   mental image possible -- the short forms implicitly allude to all the
   ridiculous long forms ever spoken). Scatological language is actually
   relatively  uncommon  among  hackers,  and there was some controversy
   over whether this entry ought to be included at all. As it reflects a
   live usage recognizably peculiar to the hacker culture, we feel it is
   in  the hackish spirit of truthfulness and opposition to all forms of
   censorship to record it here. --ESR & GLS]
