firewall machine

( n.)

   A  dedicated gateway machine with special security precautions on it,
   used  to  service  outside network connections and dial-in lines. The
   idea  is  to  protect a cluster of more loosely administered machines
   hidden  behind  it  from  {cracker}s.  The  typical  firewall  is  an
   inexpensive  micro-based Unix box kept clean of critical data, with a
   bunch of modems and public network ports on it but just one carefully
   watched  connection  back  to  the  rest  of the cluster. The special
   precautions  may  include  threat  monitoring,  callback,  and even a
   complete  {iron  box}  keyable to particular incoming IDs or activity
   patterns. Syn. {flytrap}, {Venus flytrap}. See also {wild side}.

   [When  first  coined  in the mid-1980s this term was pure jargon. Now
   (1999)  it  is techspeak, and has been retained only as an example of
   uptake --ESR]

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {DMZ}{flytrap}{iron box}{toast}{Venus flytrap}{wild side}]