
( n.)

   A  group  of  machines,  especially  a  large group of near-identical
   machines running load-balancing software, dedicated to a single task.
   Historically the term server farm, used especially for a group of web
   servers,  seems  to  have  been  coined by analogy with earlier {disk
   farm} in the early 1990s; generalization began with render farm for a
   group  of  machines  dedicated to rendering computer animations (this
   term  appears  to  have  been  popularized  by  publicity  about  the
   pioneering "Linux render farm" used to produce the movie Titanic). By
   2001  other  combinations  such  as "compile farm" and "compute farm"
   were  increasingly  common,  and  arguably borderline techspeak. More
   jargon uses seem likely to arise (and be absorbed into techspeak over
   time)  as  new  uses  are  discovered for networked machine clusters.
   Compare {link farm}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {disk farm}{link farm}]