bottom feeder

( n.)

   1.  An  Internet user that leeches off ISPs -- the sort you can never
   provide  good  enough services for, always complains about the price,
   no matter how low it may be, and will bolt off to another service the
   moment there is even the slimmest price difference. While most bottom
   feeders  infest  free  or  almost free services such as AOL, MSN, and
   Hotmail,  too  many  flock  to  whomever  happens  to be the cheapest
   regional  ISP  at  the  time.  Bottom  feeders  are often the classic
   problem  user, known for unleashing spam, flamage, and other breaches
   of {netiquette}.

   2.   Syn.   for   {slopsucker},  derived  from  the  fishermen's  and
   naturalists'  term  for finny creatures who subsist on the primordial
   ooze. (This sense is older.)
