book titles

   There  is  a  tradition  in hackerdom of informally tagging important
   textbooks  and  standards  documents with the dominant color of their
   covers  or  with some other conspicuous feature of the cover. Many of
   these  are  described  in  this  lexicon under their own entries. See
   {Aluminum  Book},  {Camel  Book},  {Cinderella  Book}, {daemon book},
   {Dragon  Book},  {Orange  Book},  {Purple  Book},  {Wizard Book}, and
   {bible};  see  also {rainbow series}. Since about 1993 this tradition
   has  gotten  a boost from the popular O'Reilly and Associates line of
   technical  books, which usually feature some kind of exotic animal on
   the cover and are often called by the name of that animal.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Aluminum Book}{Cinderella Book}{Dragon Book}{Orange Book}{Purple Book}]