Unix weenie

( n.)


   1.  A  derogatory play on `Unix wizard', common among hackers who use
   Unix  by  necessity but would prefer alternatives. The implication is
   that  although  the  person  in question may consider mastery of Unix
   arcana  to  be  a wizardly skill, the only real skill involved is the
   ability  to tolerate (and the bad taste to wallow in) the incoherence
   and needless complexity that is alleged to infest many Unix programs.
   "This  shell  script  tries  to parse its arguments in 69 bletcherous
   ways. It must have been written by a real Unix weenie."

   2.  A  derogatory term for anyone who engages in uncritical praise of
   Unix.  Often  appearing  in  the  context  "stupid  Unix weenie". See
   {Weenix}, {Unix conspiracy}. See also {weenie}.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {Unix}{weenie}{Weenix}]