Turing tar-pit

( n.)

   1.  A  place  where  anything  is possible but nothing of interest is
   practical. Alan Turing helped lay the foundations of computer science
   by  showing  that  all machines and languages capable of expressing a
   certain  very primitive set of operations are logically equivalent in
   the  kinds  of computations they can carry out, and in principle have
   capabilities  that  differ  only  in  speed  from  those  of the most
   powerful  and  elegantly  designed  computers. However, no machine or
   language  exactly matching Turing's primitive set has ever been built
   (other  than  possibly  as a classroom exercise), because it would be
   horribly  slow  and  far  too painful to use. A Turing tar-pit is any
   computer  language  or other tool that shares this property. That is,
   it's  theoretically  universal  --  but  in  practice, the harder you
   struggle  to get any real work done, the deeper its inadequacies suck
   you in. Compare {bondage-and-discipline language}.

   2.  The  perennial  {holy  wars}  over whether language A or B is the
   "most powerful".
