
( /shuhb´ in´t@r·net/, n.)

   [MUD: from H. P. Lovecraft's evil fictional deity Shub-Niggurath, the
   Black  Goat  with  a Thousand Young] The harsh personification of the
   Internet:  Beast of a Thousand Processes, Eater of Characters, Avatar
   of  Line  Noise, and Imp of Call Waiting; the hideous multi-tendriled
   entity  formed  of all the manifold connections of the net. A sect of
   MUDders  worships  Shub-Internet, sacrificing objects and praying for
   good  connections. To no avail -- its purpose is malign and evil, and
   it  is  the  cause of all network slowdown. Often heard as in "Freela
   casts  a  tac  nuke at Shub-Internet for slowing her down." (A forged
   response  often follows along the lines of: "Shub-Internet gulps down
   the  tac  nuke  and burps happily.") Also cursed by users of the Web,
   FTP and telnet when the network lags. The dread name of Shub-Internet
   is  seldom  spoken aloud, as it is said that repeating it three times
   will  cause  the  being  to  wake,  deep  within its lair beneath the
   Pentagon. Compare {Random Number God}.

   [January 1996: It develops that one of the computer administrators in
   the  basement of the Pentagon read this entry and fell over laughing.
   As  a  result,  you  too  can  now  poke  Shub-Internet  by {ping}ing Compare {kremvax}. --ESR]

   [April   1999:  is  no  more,  alas.  But
   Shub-Internet lives, and even has a home page. --ESR]

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {cthulhic}{Random Number God}]