Gang of Four

( n.)

   (also  abbreviated  GOF)  [prob.  a  play  on  the `Gang Of Four' who
   briefly  ran Communist China after the death of Mao] Describes either
   the  authors  or  the  book  Design  Patterns:  Elements  of Reusable
   Object-Oriented  Software  published  in 1995 by Addison-Wesley (ISBN
   0-201-63361-2). The authors forming the Gang Of Four are Erich Gamma,
   Richard  Helm,  Ralph  Johnson  and  John  Vlissides.  They  are also
   sometimes  referred  to  as  `Gamma  et.  al.'  The  authors state at   "Why  are  we  ...
   called  this?  Who  knows.  Somehow the name just stuck." The term is
   also used to describe any of the design patterns that are used in the
   book, referring to the patterns within it as `Gang Of Four Patterns.'
