( n.)

   "Common  abbreviation  for  Goober  with Firewall". A {luser} who has
   equipped   his  desktop  computer  with  a  hypersensitive  "software
   firewall"  or  host  intrusion  detection  program, and who gives its
   alerts  absolute  credence.  ISP  tech  support and abuse desks dread
   hearing  from  such persons, who insist that every packet of abnormal
   traffic  the  software detects is "a hacker" (sic) and, occasionally,
   threatening  lawsuits  or prosecution. GWFs have been known to assert
   that  they  are  being attacked from, and that their ISP is
   criminally  negligent  for  failing  to block these attacks. "GWF" is
   used  similarly to {ID10T error} and {PEBKAC} to flag trouble tickets
   opened by such users.
