
( /day`t@·may´sh@n/, n.)

   A  magazine  that  many  hackers  assume  all  {suit}s  read. Used to
   question   an   unbelieved  quote,  as  in  "Did  you  read  that  in
   Datamation?". It used to publish something hackishly funny every once
   in  a  while,  like the original paper on {COME FROM} in 1973, and Ed
   Post's  Real  Programmers Don't Use Pascal ten years later, but for a
   long time after that it was much more exclusively {suit}-oriented and
   boring.  Following a change of editorship in 1994, Datamation briefly
   tried for more the technical content and irreverent humor that marked
   its early days, but this did not last.

[Reference(s) to this entry by made by: {COME FROM}{Conway's Law}{kluge}]